=== Booking Ultra Pro Appointments Booking Calendar Plugin===
Contributors: UsersUltra
Tags: appointments, availability, availability calendar, booking, booking calendar, booking form, booking system, bookings, calendar, online booking calendar, reservation plugin, schedule, scheduling, paypal, stripe, reservations, reservation, group bookings, flexible pricing, google calendar, room bookings, time slots, shopping cart, multiple services
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 5.3
Stable tag: 1.0.79
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Powerful Booking Plugin with amazing dashboard to manage all of your appointments & bookings online.
== Description ==
Booking Ultra Pro offers a great suite of features that will help you manage your online appointments 24/7 whether you are a large educational institution scheduling thousands of students or a massage therapists with a part-time practice.
Booking Ultra Pro is a WordPress appointment scheduling plugin that allows your customers to book appointments for your services directly from your website giving your customers a seamless booking experience. The unique 4 steps booking process will help you to attract new customers and generate repeat business from existing ones. All customer details are stored so you can run promotions and market directly to them.
Check out the Standard Appointments Form for more information!
Check out the Staff List Page.
Check out the Minimal Booking Form Layout.
Check out the Shopping Cart.
This Appointments Plugin for WordPress is an inspired scheduling plugin that puts the power of booking into your clients’ hands while giving yourself and your team individual accounts to manage your own services, calendars, rates, and much more. Whether your business is already booming or you’re trying to grow, this WordPress plugin can help you. With a variety of packages offered to fit your business’s needs, Booking Ultra Pro eliminates the hassle of personally scheduling clients and increases customer satisfaction by offering 24/7 online appointment booking right at their fingertips.
This plugin helps you to manage appointments by giving your staff members their own profile and access without giving them access to your WordPress Dashboard. This simplifies the appointment process and presents a good first impression to your clients. From the Staff Backend and Profile feature, your staff is able to manage breaks, holidays, schedules, their services, appointments, rates, public profile, and even the ability to connect to Google calendar. The best part? Booking Ultra Pro is easy to use and CUSTOMIZABLE, giving your employees supervised freedom. Customize your text and color, booking form layouts, hide or add staff, manage multiple locations, and your shopping cart!
In addition to the Staffing Backend and Profile, a variety of add-ons such as group booking functions, mobile payment options for clients, appointment notes, and much more are available to fit your needs. Plus, a clean, minimal theme will greet your customer’s and provide them with a functional, maintained environment to complete their bookings. They will also have the ability to use the shopping cart feature to purchase multiple services at once, making it just that much easier to increase business.
So, what makes Booking Ultra Pro the superior WordPress plugin?
Aside from a time and money saving service, Booking Ultra Pro offers you full support for any of your technical inquiries via our email service. This makes it easy for you to contact our team at any time. Plus, regular updates are offered. With customizable features and colors that are adaptable to any WordPress theme and optional add-ons for all your needs, we offer a product that can’t be beat. We strive to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction.
Plus, the Booking Ultra Pro plugin can be used for any and every type of services. Are you in big business? Maybe a lawyer or stock broker, Booking Ultra Pro is for you! Oh, you’re a doctor? That’s wonderful, and Booking Ultra Pro is for you! You own a Beauty Salon and want to make booking easier for your clients? BOOKING ULTRA PRO IS FOR YOU! Our packages give everyone just what they need.
Check out the demo site for more information!
Read the getting started documentation after you install the plugin to get started.
Self Service Bookings
Allow customers to view availability and book directly from your own website.
Instant Payment Processing
Easily accept online bookings and credit card payments for your bookings. You can use either PayPal or Stripe to process your payments.
Automate Billing & Invoices
Instantly send customers customizable receipts and booking invoices.
Key Features
- PayPal Integration
- Client Online Appointment
- Admin Online Appointment
- Appointment Payments
- Reschedule Appointments
- Custom Fields
- Customizable Emails
- Company Working Hours & Days
- Staff Working Hours & Days
- Time Slots
- Padding Time (after and/or before)
- Unlimited Services
- Admin Calendar
- You may also check and compare all the features
Reasons to upgrade?
- Staff & Client Account With Front-End Profile
- Google Calendar Integration
- Powerful Booking Form Customizer
- Shopping Cart
- Stripe Integration
- Advanced Admin Booking Panel
- Unlimited Providers / Staff Members
- Appointment Notes
- Flexible Pricing - Example: First person $100, second person $85, third person $60
- Appointment Payments
- Multiple Appointment Forms
- Terms & Conditions
- MailChimp
- AWeber
- SMTP Email Sending
- Mandrill Email
- Multiple Locations. Yes, you can manage appointments for example from Salon 1, Salon 2 etc etc.
- Group Bookings. Allow clients to book services for several persons at once.
== Installation ==
1. Upload `booking-ultra-pro` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Is there an online documentation? =
Yes, http://doc.bookingultrapro.com/
= Is the Staff Member allowed to manage their own appointments? =
Yes, check this link Staff & Client Account with Front-End Profile
= Do you offer free support? =
Yes, https://bookingultrapro.com/contact.php
= Why I’m not Getting Emails from Your WordPress Site? =
Please check this link http://doc.bookingultrapro.com/wordpress-is-not-sending-emails-issue/
= How To Allow Clients to Purchase Multiple Services on the Same Session? =
This feature is available only on premium versions. It allows your clients to purchase multiple services from either the same or different providers on one session. They can pay for all the services in bulk. The Booking Ultra Pro Shopping Cart is great for gyms and spa, for example the client can purchase a yoga session for the next four weeks in different time and different providers.
Please check this link http://doc.bookingultrapro.com/how-to-activate-the-shopping-cart-feature/
= Do you offer a PRO version? =
Yes, https://bookingultrapro.com/compare-packages.html
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 1.0 =
Initial release.
== Screenshots ==
== Changelog ==
= 1.0.79 (11-10-2019) =
* Improvement - Compatibily issues with WP 5.3
= 1.0.78 (04-23-2019) =
* Improvement - Issue with Start time dropbox fixed.
* New Feature - Private Services available only for admin.
= 1.0.77 (01-19-2019) =
* Improvement - WordPress 5.0 tweaks.
= 1.0.76 (11-20-2018) =
* Improvement - Important update on Google Calendar Feature. Full phone number with country prefix is displayed now.
= 1.0.75 (11-06-2018) =
* Improvement - New Module to clean up the database with inconsistent appointment details has been implemented.
* Improvement - AWeber API integration update. Now. APP ID is not required anymore.
* New Feature - Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only. Option to change the background color of the user's profile has been implemented on the staff tab.
= 1.0.74 (09-22-2018) =
* Improvement - CSS improvements.
* Improvement - Issue with pending orders.
= 1.0.73 (09-14-2018) =
* Improvement - CSS improvements.
* Improvement - Issue with pending orders.
= 1.0.72 (09-09-2018) =
* Improvement - SMS Feature improved. Now, the option to auto-detect the visitor's location is optional. You can activate or deactivate the phone number prefix feature on BUP Settings.
* Improvement - CSS styles improvement.
* Improvement - Minor fixes issue.
* Improvement - Authorize API update.
= 1.0.71 (06-26-2018) =
* Improvement - CSS styles conflict with third-party plugins. We've improved the checkout process.
* Improvement - International cel number issue. Now, it's displayed in the Google Calendar.
= 1.0.70 (04-10-2018) =
* New Feature - Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only. Option to change more labels on the customizer.
* New Feature - Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only. SMS Reminders.
* New Feature - Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only. Change the Background color of the staff list. Check the tutorial http://doc.bookingultrapro.com/how-to-change-the-default-background-color-of-the-staff-list/
* Improvement - CSS styles
* Improvement - Date Picker JS conflict on custom fields
* Improvement - Setting to remove the "Last name" from the booking form at the step 3.
* Bug Fix - Issue with "1 time slot" translation.
= 1.0.69 (10-24-2017) =
* Improvement - IMPORTANT. Update the pluign ASAP, there was an issue with the cancellation link sending many emails. You have to update the plugin ASAP. We're sorry about the two consecutive versions, we just try to offer a fast service when an issue is confirmed. Thank you for your understanding.
= 1.0.68 (10-23-2017) =
* Improvement - IMPORTANT. Update the pluign ASAP, the main calendar on the BUP Dashboard was having an issue and some appointments were not being displayed due an update on jQuery API.
= 1.0.67 (10-16-2017) =
* Improvement - Shopping Cart Session Cleared on Stripe.
* Improvement - New setting for themes without a wp_head function.
* Improvement - Language missed.
* Improvement - Bug Fix. Filters on Calendar
= 1.0.66 (08-21-2017) =
* Improvement - First Name and Last Name issue on Registration From.
* Improvement - Last Name is asked on registration from.
* Improvement - Include Special notes on email template. Now you can use this {{bup_special_notes}}
* Improvement - Language Updates.
= 1.0.65 (08-02-2017) =
* Improvement -Duplicated staff in drop/down list.
* Improvement - Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only. Location can be included in the email template now. http://doc.bookingultrapro.com/how-to-include-the-location-in-the-email-template/
* Improvement - Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only. Google Calendar Link procedure updated.
= 1.0.64 (07-28-2017) =
* Improvement - Translation issue in custom fields.
* Improvement - Custom template for staff member when a bank payment is submitted.
* Improvement - CSS style tweak for Salient theme.
= 1.0.63 (06-29-2017) =
* Improvement - Tweaks for the Booking steps, all tweaks were implemented on the Admin Backend.
* Improvement - New Setting that allows you to receive bookings outside the business hours, this is optional.
= 1.0.62 (06-28-2017) =
* Improvement - Tweaks for some premium themes.
* Improvement - Issue when the clients purchase services that fall outside the staff working hours.
= 1.0.61 (06-23-2017) =
* Improvement - All Versions, cancellation link issue with cache plugins.
= 1.0.60 (06-13-2017) =
* Improvement - All Versions, we have tweaked the Checkbox custom field. Please update ASAP.
* Improvement - Stripe conflict with third-party plugin.
* Improvement - WordPress 4.8 tweaks.
= 1.0.59 (05-15-2017) =
* Improvement - Professional & Ultimate versions only. Rewrite Rule Issue. Please update ASAP.
= 1.0.58 (05-03-2017) =
* Bug Fix - Advise Messages removed whenc cliking the Dismiss icon..
= 1.0.57 (05-03-2017) =
* Bug Fix on Locations - Please update since a error message may be displayed in the appointments tab.
= 1.0.56 (05-02-2017) =
* New Feature Professional & Ultimate versions only - Staff & Client Backend With Elegant Public Profile
* Improvement - Link to approve appointments has been included on the staff email template.
* Improvement - Pagination on Appointments Module.
* Improvement - If a Staff member is preset then only the services offered by the Staff member is displayed. This is the example https://bookingultrapro.com/demo/without-staff-dropdown-list/
* Improvement - Overlapping color picker issue on Template Customirzer.
* Improvement Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only - Google Calendar - More details are displayed when the appointment is added to GCAL, the new information is Client Name, Phone Number.
* Improvement Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only - Google Calendar - The appointment is added to GCAL when creating an appointment through the BUP Dashboard.
* Bug Fix - Edit Template Name fix, only for paid versions.
* Bug Fix - Wrong informtaion on re-schedule email template.
* Improvement - Update to wp_mail feature, tweak to avoid spam filters.
= 1.0.55 (03-15-2017) =
* Bug Fix - We have resolved a warning message.
* Bug Fix - Staff Member List issue on front end booking form.
* Improvement - Custom Fields on Re-Schedule email notification.
= 1.0.54 (03-13-2017) =
* Improvements - FontAwesome Updated.
* New Feature Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only - Now you can assign a different Google Calendar to each one of your staff members. Once you've authorized Google you will be able to set a different Google Calendar to your desired Google Calendar. This way the appointments can be added to either the primary Google Calendar or any other calendar you've created. PLEASE NOTE: You have to update the Booking Ultra Pro Complement as well. IMPORTANT: Since some JS files were updated you might need to clean your browser temp files and make or even try a different browser if this feature doesn't work well for you.
* Improvement Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only - Google Calendar - Now when an appointment is deleted on Booking Ultra Pro it will also be deleted on the Google Calendar.
* New Feature - Now the admin can approve an appointment through the appointment email. Learn more here http://doc.bookingultrapro.com/how-to-allow-admin-to-approve-an-appointment-via-email/
= 1.0.53 (01-02-2017) =
* Improvements - Cancellation Link Improvement so the client can cancell service separatelly when purchasing with shopping cart options.
* Improvements - Warning message re-style on booking form at step 4.
* Improvements - Update on Validation Engine Plugin used at step 4.
* Improvements - Setup Cancellation Page for PayPal.
* Improvements - Stripe Token Id is stored in the database. In the future, admin will be able to issue a refund through BUP.
* New Feature Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Shopping Cart Feature. Now you can allow your clients to purchase multiple services on the same session and pay for them in bulk. Check this link http://doc.bookingultrapro.com/how-to-activate-the-shopping-cart-feature/
= 1.0.52 (12-12-2016) =
* Improvements - Updates for new version of WordPress
* Improvements - Updates on language files.
* Improvements - Tweaks on booking calculations for flexible rating.
* Improvements - Tweak on padding time.
= 1.0.51 (10-30-2016) =
* Improvements - Warning messages on some modules removed.
= 1.0.50 (10-28-2016) =
* Improvements - New Email Template for Staff Members when rescheduling and appointment.
* Improvements - New Email Template for Clients when rescheduling and appointment.
* Improvements - When rescheduling an appointment staff, admin and client were receiving the same email, now you can set different email templates to each one of them.
* Bug Fix - Issue when disconecting Staff members from Google Calendar API.
* Bug Fix - Email Sent when rescheduling an appointment.
= 1.0.49 (10-22-2016) =
* Bug Fix - Issue when deleting staff member.
* Improvements - Coding improvements.
* Improvements - Language Update.
= 1.0.48 (09-27-2016) =
* Improvement - Language files update.
* New Feature - Capability to display a message when no appointments are available. This has been suggested here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/date-shown-when-no-appointment/
= 1.0.47 (08-24-2016) =
* Improvement - Language files update.
* Improvement - Random user when setting a default location without a staff member.
= 1.0.46 (07-26-2016) =
* New Feature - Phone number mandatory now is optional.
* Improvement - Language Files Update.
= 1.0.45 (07-23-2016) =
* Improvement - Only users with admin privileges can delete staff members.
* Bug Fix - Issue when setting schedule. Details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-time-picker-end-time-not-auto-changing-properly-after-1200pm-start?replies=2
= 1.0.44 (07-19-2016) =
* Bug Fix - Calculation tweak on checkout page. Thanks to @jiggaman.
* Bug Fix - Google Calendar Tweak. Thanks to @jiggaman.
* Improvement - Service time going past staff working hours, this has been reported by cobolt78, thanks for posting your tweak while we were preparing the new version.
* Improvement - Language Update.
= 1.0.43 (06-27-2016) =
* Improvement - Google Calendar Improvements.
* Improvement - Language Files Update.
= 1.0.42 (06-21-2016) =
* Improvements Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Google Calendar, now when you delete a booking through the Appointments list the appoing is deleted in your Google Calendar as well.
* Improvements Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Google Calendar, update sync, when an appointment is rescheduled Google Calendar is updated as well.
= 1.0.41 (06-17-2016) =
* Improvement - SMTP option improvement. Please update ASAP.
= 1.0.40 (06-16-2016) =
* Bug Fix - Issue with the first slot available on opening time at the dashboard. This was causing an issue only on the Backend not the front-end. Please update.
* Improvement - Language files updated.
* Improvements Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Google Calendar tweak, there was an issue with some bookings not showing up on Google Calendar, please update your Complement.
* Improvements Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Google Calendar debug option, now you can see what the Google API returns, this will help you to troubleshoot issues.
* Improvements Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Google Calendar Description. Now, a detailed information is included in the Google Calendar Event.
= 1.0.39 (05-25-2016) =
* Improvement - Special validation for Professional and Ultimate Versions. Now Prior hours work correclty, you can set days as well.
* Improvement - Warning Messages Fixing.
= 1.0.38 (05-10-2016) =
* Improvement - Pricing Calculation for Group Bookings. Please update ASAP
= 1.0.37 (05-09-2016) =
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Flexible Pricing Calculation for Groups. Example, First Person pays $100 Second Person pays $80 third person pays $75
* Improvement - The Service ID is visible in the Services tab.
* Improvement - Misspeling phrases.
* Improvement - Multi-site installation users table issue. We have tweaked some SQL queries in order to make the plugin works well on Multisite Installations.
= 1.0.36 (04-27-2016) =
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Now you can hide the services list from the booking form. This can be done through the Customizer.
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - You can set a pre-defined service, this way the services list won't be displayed and the available slots will be automatically displayed.
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - You can display the Locations Drop-Down list box. See example here https://bookingultrapro.com/demo/with-locations-dropdown-list-box/
* Improvement - Responsive CSS styles tweaks.
* Improvement - Help tab on Admin has been improved.
* Improvement - Custom fields on email templates tweak. Please update if using premium, custom fields on email templates needed a tweak. Here there is a tutorial http://doc.bookingultrapro.com/how-to-add-custom-fields-in-email-templates/
= 1.0.35 (04-25-2016) =
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - When you delete an appointment on BUP the even is also deleted on Google Calendar.
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - When you reschedule an appointment on BUP the even is also updated on Google Calendar.
* Improvement - Language Files updated.
* Improvement - Staff ID displayed on Staff tab.
* Improvement - Now you can set a custom Staff ID, this will hide the "With" Option. Check details here http://doc.bookingultrapro.com/booking-form/.
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Now you can hide the "With" on the front-end booking form. This is useful for personal website where there is only one staff member.
= 1.0.34 (04-19-2016) =
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Google Calendar. Now you can create an event on your Google Calendar when a booking is purchased with Booking Ultra Pro.
* New Feature - Display either Staff name or Client's name in the BUP Calendar.
* Bug Fix - Staff member notification when using Local Payments.
* Bug Fix - Tweaks for WP 4.5.
* Improvement - Custom Success Page Redirect checkbox issue on Settings Page.
* Improvement - Special Scheduling Module Tweaks.
= 1.0.33 (04-11-2016) =
* Bug Fix - Warning message displayed in some WP installation
* Improvement - German Language.
* Improvement - Code Improvement.
= 1.0.32 (04-06-2016) =
* Improvement - BUP was including the cancelled booking when calculating the availability, we have tweaked the coding.
* Improvement - Display only from hour at Admin Section.
* Improvement - Icons on Appointments tab are bigger now.
* Improvement - Premium Features label is removed on Professional and Premium Versions.
* Improvement - When a customer leaves a comment in their appointment an envelop is displayed in the Appointments tab. This feature was requested here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/some-requests-for-upcoming-versions?replies=1
* New Feature - New Settings that allows you to set if the admins or staff members receive notifications emails when a booking is submitted.
= 1.0.31 (04-01-2016) =
* Improvement - More improvements has been implemented in order to prevent overlapped bookings. Also, the availability functions have been refined.
* Improvement - The booking duration is displayed in the booking list.
* Improvement - Since BUP won't delete an admin user we have added an option that allows you to remove the admin user from the staff list. Please note, BUP won't delete the admin user from the database, it will not be displayed in the Staff list only.
= 1.0.30 (03-30-2016) =
* Improvement - Availability issues. Pleaes update your plugin, we have implemented some tweaks for broup bookings.
= 1.0.29 (03-29-2016) =
* New Feature - New setting that allows you to hide unavailables slots in the front-end booking form. You will find this option in BUP Settings Tab.
* Improvement - We have implemented some controls to avoid duplicated bookings. Now, the submit button is disable when confirming the booking at step #3.
* Improvement - Pleaes update ASAP. We have improved the coding in order to avoid overlapped bookings. It's important that you update your plugin.
* New Feature - Setting to display only the "from" value in the booking calendar. You will find this setting in BUP Settings Tab.
* Improvement - There is no way to book passed hours on the BUP Admin. We received some complaints about this issue, now the admin can't set a booking if the local hour is passed.
* New Language - Booking Ultra Pro is available in French.
= 1.0.28 (03-23-2016) =
* Improvement - Added some string to make them WPML compatible.
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Special Schedule.
* Improvement - Booking Form background issue. The gray color of the booking form was overlapping on some WP themes.
* Bug Fix - Please udpate ASAP. The Services module has been improved, there was a conflict with a popular third-party plugin.
= 1.0.27 (03-21-2016) =
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Full Day Services Purchase. Now you can set "all day" services on paid versions.
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - You can now set the categories to display on the booking form in the Booking Form Customizer. This help you if you don't wish to use the shortcode options.
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Group Bookings.
* Improvement on Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Days Off activation issue.
= 1.0.26 (03-11-2016) =
* Improvement - Issue when activating the client cancellation link. Some emails were automatically sent to the admin. We have added a security function here. Please update.
* Improvement - Texts displayed in mobile devices improvement.
* Improvement - PayPal IPN updated.
* Improvement - Admin Edit Appointment Updated. Please update your plugin ASAP.
* Bug Fix - When workign with multi staff there is an issue when calculation the booking total. Actually, you can set either a default price for a service or you can set a custom price to each one of your staff members, the total was being calculated by using the global service's price. Please update
= 1.0.25 (03-10-2016) =
* Improvement - CSS conflict with Divi theme customizer.
* Improvement - CSS improvement line-through has been implemented on Unavailable slot times.
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Now you can change colors and legens, this will let you adapt the booking form to your theme without knowing HTML and CSS.
= 1.0.23 (03-07-2016) =
* Improvement - Custom fields issue. If you have a registration form usign a custom form, then you delete the custom form the booking form displays a error message. We have tweaked it. Please udpate if you're using custom fields for your booking form.
* Improvement - The entire time slot is clickable no, this will help on mobile devices.
* Improvement - Placeholders are displayed in the booking form. Here you can see the documentation http://doc.bookingultrapro.com/booking-form/. Also, you can remove the field legends, here there is an example https://bookingultrapro.com/demo/booking-form-without-field-legends/
* Bug Fix - Please update, when creating a service on some mysql versions an error is being triggered.
* Improvement - Phone number has been added in the client email template as per this request https://wordpress.org/support/topic/phone-number-in-new-client-form-admin-area?replies=2.
* Improvement - Phone number has been added in the client email template on the Admin area.
* New Feature For Personal, Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Now you can display only certain categories in the services drop/down list that's displayed in the booking form. Check the example here https://bookingultrapro.com/demo/booking-form-only-with-custom-categories-services/
= 1.0.22 (02-28-2016) =
* Improvement - JS conflicts. Due some JS conflicts with some WP themes we have improved the front-end booking form.
* Improvement - Scroll effect on Booking form was improved. You can check the full discusion here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-scroll-to-in-step-3-scrolling-to-wrong-place?replies=6. Thank you very much for your recommendations @jiggaman.
* New Feature - Italian Language provided by Pierdante Romei. Thank you very much!
* Bug Fix - Filter by Staff Member Issue on Appointments tab.
* Improvement - The plugin was displaying time slots that have already passed. This is due the GMT and website time.
* Improvement - Phone number added on email templates. Just add this to the templates {{bup_client_phone}}
* Change - From version 1.0.21 the fee version allows you to have only one staff meber. Don't worry if you have added many staff members already, you can keep having the same amount of staff members. however, if you need to add more providers to your company, then you would need to upgrade.
= 1.0.21 (02-21-2016) =
* Improvement - We have added the client phone number to the email confirmations that admin and staff member receive when a booking is confirmed.
* Improvement - Issue with z-index on some WP themes.
* Bug Fix - The booking total at the step 4 was being removed when selecting local payment.
* Improvement - Date Picker fully translatable. Just click on WP Settings, then set your language, that should display the date picker in your language.
= 1.0.20 (02-12-2016) =
* Improvement - Now you can convert common users into Staff Members. We have added a checkbox in Add New Staff Member form that lets you create already users into staff members by using the same email address. This is useful when you want to use the same account for admin and staff member.
* Improvement - Display only just one day of available time slots.
* Improvement - Client Email information has been included in the Email templates. Just add this to the template {{bup_client_email}}.
* Improvement - Booking total displayed at the last step of the booking. Now the client knows what's the total to pay before confirming the purchase.
= 1.0.19 (02-03-2016) =
* Improvement - Translation in booking form.
* Bug Fix - Important issue when rescheduling an appointment. Please update ASAP.
* Bug Fix - Email template issue for Local Payments.
* Improvement - plugin lets schedule at the same hour, for different services and with the same staff member. This has been fixed.
* Improvement - Time slot available legen has been centered.
= 1.0.18 (01-26-2016) =
* Improvement - CSS clash with some premium themes, the time slots were being displayed in one column rather than rows, we've tweaked the css styles.
* Improvement - Sectors on Dashboard are closable now, this will let you have only the calendar visible in your dashboard.
* Improvement - Phone number is displayed in the appointments tab.
* Improvement - Client info added to the email templates that Admin and Staff member receive.
= 1.0.17 (01-21-2016) =
* Improvement - Issue user registrations. WordPress comes wiht an option to disable the user registration, this was causing some issues with fresh WP installation. We have tweaked the plugin and there shouldn't be any issue with fresh WP installations. Please update if your appointmetns are not being saved.
* Improvement - On the Appointment tab there is an option to create a new appointment on the fly, now you can create a client on the fly as well.
* Improvement - Appointment Dashboard has been improved, now the information looks much more organized and you can filter the appointments by Staff members.
* Improvement - Language file updated.
* Bug Fix - When editing the appointment the provider was not being selected.
* New Feature For Professional & Ulitmate versions only - Locations. Now you can organize your booking by locations, you can easily manage multiple beauty salons with this module.
= 1.0.16 (01-19-2016) =
* Improvement - Issue with European Date Format.
* Improvement - Issue with Localization on Email Templates.
* New Feature - Now you can set the date format for the Date Picker.
* New Feature - Now you can set the date format for booking form. Due the amount of formats we're offering we had to create a different setting for the date picker component. This is because the date picker accepts only few formats and we were having some issues.
* New Feature - Now you can set the date format for UU Dashboard.
= 1.0.15 (01-19-2016) =
* Improvement - Email tab descriptions improved.
* Improvement - Coding clean up and improvements.
* Improvement - Date Localization issue on the booking form. There were some issues with the dates on different languages.
* New Feature - Capability to set default status for free appointments.
* New Feature - Capability to set default status for local payments.
= 1.0.14 (01-14-2016) =
* Improvement - Issue related to time slots. Details here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/impossible-to-set-business-hour-between-11pm-and-12am?replies=16
= 1.0.13 (01-14-2016) =
* New Feature - We've made the decision of adding the padding time for the free option. Padding Time. Now you can set padding time before and/or after an appointment. For example if you need 15 minutes to prepare for the next appointment then you could set padding-before to 15 minutes. So.. if there is an appointment from 10:00 to 11:00 then the next available time slot would be 11:15 rather than 11:00.
* Improvement - Booking Appointments in half hours, example from 08:30 to 09:30.
* Bug Fix - Warning Messages issues.
= 1.0.12 (01-14-2016) =
* Improvement - Appointment Filters by day, month and year.
= 1.0.11 (01-14-2016) =
* Improvement - Doc Tab updated.
* Improvement - Staff list on booking form is disabled when selecting a service.
* Improvement - Please wait message added on staff listbox when selecting a service in both, admin and front-end.
* Bug Fix - Capabilitiy to set business hour between 11pm and 12am.
* Bug Fix - Capabilitiy to staff schedule between 11pm and 12am.
* Improvement - Due the great amount of questions about the message "User registration is not allowe" we ended up removing this message. We hope this helps a few.
* New Feature For Paid Versions Only - Padding Time. Now you can set padding time before and/or after an appointment. For example if you need 15 minutes to prepare for the next appointment then you could set padding-before to 15 minutes. So.. if there is an appointment from 10:00 to 11:00 then the next available time slot would be 11:15 rather than 11:00.
* Improvement - There are some warning messages. We have fixed almost all of theme. We wil have a new version soon which will include a fix for all the possible warning messages.
= 1.0.10 (01-13-2016) =
* New Feature - Email is sent when changing the appointment's status in the BUP Dashboard. Now, everytime the admin changed the status of an appointment, staff, admin and clients are notified.
* Bug Fix - Notify client email on rescheduling has been fixed.
* Improvement - Client is notified when the appointment is cancelled by using the cancelation link.
* Improvement - Language file updated.
= 1.0.9 (01-13-2016) =
* Bug Fix - Email notification link change. Now, if you wish to remove the cancellation link just edit the email template and remove the following line {{bup_booking_cancelation_url}}.
= 1.0.8 (01-12-2016) =
* Bug Fix - Email notification when rescheduling an appointment fixed.
* Bug Fix - Display name was being changed when creating new booking.
* New Feature - Now the link that allows clients to cancel an appointment is optional. By default it's not included in the emails. You can activate this feature on the BUP - Settings Tab.
* Improvement - The service price is included within the email when the Registration Type is Free.
* New Feature - New Email templates that allows you to set your own message when the status of an appointment is changed. You can set different messages for Clients, Staff Members and Admin. Don't forget to click on BUP - Notifications and click on the save button if you don't see the new email templates. Please note: At the moment the email are sent when the clients cancel the appointment by using the cancellation link. Very soon these emails will be sent when the admin change the appoinment's status on the Dashboard.
= 1.0.7 (01-11-2016) =
* New Feature - Now you can set custom message that will be displayed at the booking confirmation. PayPal, Stripe and Bank deposit all they have separate messages.
* New Feature - Custom redirect page for PayPal, Stripe and Bank payment methods.
* Improvement - Option to reload all services. Now you can reload all services with just one click, there wasn't a way to display all services when filtered.
* New Feature - Custom redirect page for free bookings.
* New Feature - Custom confirmation message for free bookings.
= 1.0.6 (01-10-2016) =
* New Feature - When cancelling an appointment it's removed from the callendar automatically without the need of refreshing the whole page.
* New Feature - Trash icon added in the calendar. Now you can delete appointments directly in the calendar.
* New Feature - Option to delete an appointment in the Appointments tab.
* Improvement - Total Staff members displayed.
* Bug Fix - Warning message displayed at the top of the Staff tab.
* New Feature For Paid Versions Only - AWeber Integration.
= 1.0.5 (01-09-2016) =
* New Feature - Different Colors for the "status" has been implemented, this will help to keep the appointment dashboard organized.
* New Feature - When editing an appointment the admin will be able to change the appointment status. At the moment the following status can be assigned: Pending, Approved, No-show, Cancelled.
* New Feature - Pending Appointment Warning has been implemented. Now, you will see a notification bubble in the admin menu.
= 1.0.4 (01-08-2016) =
* New Feature - Option to change the appointment status in the Appointments List tab. Now when editing an appointment the admin has the capability to change the appointment's status.
= 1.0.3 (01-07-2016) =
* Improvements - load_plugin_textdomain implemented, this will help you to translate the plugin to your desired language.
* Bug Fix - Payment deposit method improvement.
= 1.0.2 (01-07-2016) =
* Improvements - Planning Sector at BUP Dashboard Improved.
* Improvements - Language Update.
= 1.0.1 (01-06-2016) =
* Improvements - Tweaks on coding.
= 1.0.0 =
* Initial release